"Company Law" course on Friday 29.3.2019 (only for this week).The course Company Law will take place on Friday 29th of March at 13.00 The nest course will take place normally on Monday 1st of April according to the schedule.
International Business Transactions - Lecture cancellation"International Business Transactions - Lecture cancellation The lecture of Thursday, March 14, is cancelled due to Professor's conference travel"
BUSINESS ACQUISITIONS & MERGERS Cancellation of the lecture on 14/3/19ERASMUS PROGRAMME BUSINESS ACQUISITIONS & MERGERS Cancellation of the lecture on 14/3/19 Due to an imperative personal commitment of the lecturer, the lecture scheduled for 14/3/19 is cancelled. The neχt lecture shall...
BUSINESS ACQUISITIONS & MERGERS Cancellation of the lecture on 7/3/19ERASMUS PROGRAMME BUSINESS ACQUISITIONS & MERGERS Cancellation of the lecture on 7/3/19 Due to an imperative personal commitment of the lecturer, the lecture scheduled for 7/3/19 is cancelled. The neχt lecture shall be...
International Business Transactions 28/2/2019"International Business Transactions The course shall commence on Thursday, February 28, 2019, 15:00-17:00, in classroom 8 (New Building). Professor E.N. Moustaira"
Criminology : Starting Lectures 2019ANNOUNCEMENT ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME – Spring Semester 2018-2019 The lectures in Criminology start on the 19th February 2019 and will take place everyTuesday, 11.00-13.00.pm., in the new building of the Law School (entrance from...
BUSINESS ACQUISITIONS AND MERGERS Commencement of lecturesBUSINESS ACQUISITIONS AND MERGERS COURSE TIME-SCHEDULE Commencement of lectures The lectures on the course of Business Acquisitions and Mergers shall commence on the 28th February 2019. The lectures shall be hold each...